Stephen Aizenstat, PhD
Stephen Aizenstat, PhD, is Chancellor Emeritus and Founding President of Pacifica Graduate Institute. He is a professor of depth psychology with a PhD in clinical psychology, licensed marriage and family therapist, and a credentialed public schools teacher and counselor. Dr. Aizenstat lectures and consults internationally, particularly with global corporations, and is affiliated with the Earth Charter International project through the United Nations.
Dr. Aizenstat’s book, Dream Tending (2009), describes applications of dreamwork in relation to health and healing, nightmares, the World’s Dream, relationships, and the creative process. Dr. Aizenstat’s methodologies extend traditional dream work to the vision of an animated world, where living images in dream are experienced as embodied and originating in the psyche of Nature as well as that of persons.
His other recent publications include The Pacifica Story: Money as Psychic Libido, Eranos Yearbook 72, 2013—2014; The Dangers and Opportunity of Cyberspace: A New Vision of Global Dreaming, Eranos Yearbook 71, 2012; Fragility of the World’s Dream, Eranos Yearbook 70, 2009—2010—2011; Imagination & Medicine—The Future of Healing in an Age of Neuroscience (co-edited with R. Bosnak, 2009), ‘Dream Tending and Tending the World,’ in Ecotherapy—Healing with Nature in Mind (2009), and ‘Soul-Centered Education: An Interview with Stephen Aizenstat,’ in Reimagining Education—Essays on Reviving the Soul of Learning (with N. Treadway Galindo, 2009).
His major work, Dream Tending, appeared also in Italian by Moretti & Vitali as Vegliare il sogno. Teoria e pratica del Dream Tending (2013).
Maren Hansen, Ph.D., M.Div., L.M.F.T., CA
Maren Hansen holds a Ph.D. in Psychology, a Master of Divinity degree, and is a licensed MFT. Hansen is a founding member of Pacifica Graduate Institute, and a founding faculty member of the first hybrid learning program at Pacifica. Her research interests include the depth psychological approach to myth, female psychology and spirituality, ritual, and depth psychological models of leadership. Hansen was a board member of the Joseph Campbell Library and Archives. She studied with Joseph Campbell for years and has taught several courses on Joseph Campbell’s work. She is author of the books Mother Mysteries and Teachers of Myth. Hansen researched, designed, and tested a myth curriculum for adolescents, designed to stimulate psychological development.
Jean Palmer-Daley Ph.D, LMFT, Jungian Analyst
Jean is a Jungian analyst who trained at the Research and Training Centre for Depth Psychology According to C. G. Jung and Marie-Louise von Franz.
Jean was introduced to Depth Psychology and Jung in the 60’s as an undergraduate at UCSC. There she took classes in the History of Consciousness as well as a dream seminar in which Jung’s Memories Dreams Reflections was required reading. She can honestly say that in retrospect those experiences have formed the underlying framing of her life.
Jean has a long history with Pacifica. She attended the first Advanced Dream Tending Workshop given by Steve Aizenstat. She went on to graduate from the second class of Ph.D. clinical psychology at Pacifica. She later taught at Pacifica in both the M.A. and Ph.D. programs. Jean has been a psychotherapist, now a psychoanalyst, for 40 years. She has presented and led workshops throughout the US and Europe.
During her time as a student at Pacifica Jean became involved in the work of Marion Woodman. Like many women who worked with Marion and BodySoul Rhythms the work changed her life. She went on to train in BodySoul Rhythms Leadership and has lead workshops. In addition she served on the Marion Woodman Foundation Board, most recently as President.
Jean presently works as Jungian analyst in Santa Barbara and Ventura and is an artist.
Lauren Z. Schneider, MFT
Lauren Z. Schneider, MFT is a depth psychotherapist, lecturer, author, trainer, and creator of the Tarotpy®, which integrates the use of tarot and other symbolic imagery with psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, systemic therapy, and Dreamwork. She facilitates workshops, trainings, and ongoing groups worldwide and is approved by CAMFT to provide CEUs for licensed health care providers. Her book, Tarotpy® – It’s All in the Cards: A Pathway to Inner Wisdom, Divine Guidance, and Profound Healing (2021), has won gold medals from Living Now and Next Generation Indie Book Awards, and a silver medal from the Nautilus Book Awards. For more information, please contact or visit her website:
Willow Young, MA, LMFT
As Professor Emeritus, Willow Young taught in the Counseling Psychology Program (1999-2023) where she served as Program Chair of the Counseling Department, 2011-2018; Director of Clinical Training 2005-2011, Adjunct faculty 1999-2005. She specialized in teaching Analytical Psychology, Clinical Practice, and Cross-Cultural Mores and Values. Her early career as Director of Special Programs at the Craft and Folk Art Museum in Los Angeles was informed by her studies in World Arts and Cultures at UCLA. International cultural exchange programs funded by the National Endowment for Humanities and the National Endowment for the Arts supported a showcasing of the multivarious arts vividly expressed in the communities of Los Angeles city and county.
Willow has presented internationally in Switzerland, Japan, and China, and serves as a Training Analyst at the C. G. Jung Study Center of Southern California. Her archival research in the Opus Archives was presented at The XXI congress of the International Association for Analytical Psychology in Vienna and elsewhere. Willow is a member of the C.G. Jung Study Center of Southern California, and an Analytic Member of the International Association for Analytical Psychology. Willow is in private practice, specializes in listening to the symbolic language of the unconscious as it manifests in dreams, active imagination, and creative expression.